Aħbi l-aħħar Seen Info fil-WhatsApp

Guide to Hide Last Seen info in WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the newest app for messaging. You can send SMS or MMS via the internet without charges. Around 200 million people worldwide use this application. There are lots of tips and tricks regarding WhatsApp which you can learn online.

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WhatsApp has a lot of fun features. However some of those features may not be satisfying like the “last seen” option. WhatsApp doesn’t have options for going Invisible or Offline. But there are ways to do so.

Hide Last Seen Time Using App


A certain app was developed to resolve this matter. This is the “Not Last Seen” app. It is however, not available in Play store. You need to download this app from a certain site.


This app deactivates connections when WhatsApp is opened. This way, servers won’t be able to update when you last checked in.


To use, you have download it and install it in your device. No rooting needed. When you open the app, you will see the “Block Last Seen” option, simply enable this option. All your data connections will be switched off when you open WhatsApp. After reading, sending messages and closing the WhatsApp, your connections will be switched on again and your messages will be sent.


It is this easy and convenient for users.


Hide Last Seen Time Manually


You hide last seen manually too. You just have to disable data networks and your WiFi before you open WhatsApp.


Read and send messages while the connections are all switched off.


Close the app and switch the connections again. Your messages will automatically be sent as soon as you gain connectivity. And the best thing is your login time won’t be updated.


Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew sempliċement trid taqsam l-esperjenza tiegħek, tħossok liberu li tħalli kumment hawn taħt.


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHvMNhBOhJM[/embedyt]

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żball: Kontenut huwa protett !!